Deink Brasil

With 4D technology, Deink Brasil aims to transform the world through the circular economy.

Get to know all the details of Deink 4D Technology through the video on our Youtube channel.

Watch the video

Exclusively developed by Deink Brasil, the delamination and demetallization e desmetalização technology allows the reuse of laminated packages and the use of the resin generated as raw material for several industries.

Deink Brasil

Deink Brasil is a company that cares about people and the planet.

Deink Brasil in the Media

Social Responsibility

Braille Deink Brasil
Tampinha Legal Deink Brasil
2 milhões Tampinha Legal Deink Brasil

Institutional Support

Rede Deink Brasil
ABIEF Deink Brasil
CRNPlas Deink Brasil
ABIPLast Deink Brasil